This is not the first and most likely not the last time my car has broken down. I still haven’t made that buffer in my budget for things like this .... but i am working on it. On the way to work my car started to overheat. I saw a garage and pulled in. He said ... leave it. I said how am i going to get to work...He said ..the bus stop is about a mile down the road. So in high heels i walked a mile to the bus. Got a call saying 750 dollars to repair. I called my girlfriend to see if i was getting “taken advantage of” and her husband said NO... That is about right and it is a hard job... in fact he said, "if you will have them do it instead of me i will pay for the repairs and you can pay me back when you can". Problem solved. The thing is that usually when i have a car breakdown or something that is going to cost me... i go to that place of “oh no” “what will i do?” “I don’t need this”. But i didn’t... i sat on the bus thinking... hmmm can’t wait to see how this all works out knowing that i couldn’t afford an expensive car repair. And it did work out. I have been working hard to think differently. To look for the adventure, the possibilities instead of assuming worst case scenario’s. I liked it. I don’t like having to be “bailed” out but i am so grateful for friends who always willingly come to my rescue.
Thanks John and Joy.
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AuthorLaurie Ann Hardie Archives
July 2015