Don't you hate it when someone 'shoulds" on you? I do, then i realized I "should" on people and that made me take a second look at how I communicate. I started paying attention to when i say should, usually with my family. I started catching myself once i was aware and looked for new ways to say the same thing. Shoulding makes me feel like the person delivering the should thinks i am dumb. That i can't think for myself or figure things out. So when i should on others they probably feel the same way. Whether we mean it or not, should is offensive. What are some other ways we could say should? You should put your laundry away. Will you put your laundry away? What is keeping you from putting away your laundry? I find curiousity rather than assumption goes a long way. Create a should free zone in your home.
I love back to school, all the supplies go on sale and i stock up on notebooks, i never seem to have enough. But this year I' wasn't sending anyone back to school. In the book i talk about "this too shall pass", we keep going through the hardships because it will change and get a little easier. And now here i am an empty nester and i am missing football, school activities, and back to school shopping (not the expense however). Funny how life changes and moves on. |
AuthorLaurie Ann Hardie Archives
July 2015