(1-800-273-TALK (8255) Suicide Hot line
I also struggle with depression. Many of us do. I have seen so many posts about suicide these last few days. "The ultimate act of selfishness", "what a waste", other negative emotions. When someone commits suicide it will often solidify another strugglers decision to do the same.
If you struggle with depression get help. I isolated my self and that was very unhealthy. Finally I got help, the drugs had to be adjusted and that was hard (over drugging is a problem too). the Counselors were helpful but one moved away and one got out of the business (can you say abandonment). Get tested it could be allergies or like me it may be from severe abuse.
(1-800-273-TALK (8255) Suicide Hot line
I just want you to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a TRAIN. My hope is in Jesus Christ, that kept me going knowing that God loves me and that even when we walk through dark valleys He is there. What ever your God is...like Alcoholics Anonymous and other recovery programs, believing in a higher power can make all the difference.
Some people say meds are bad, some people say prayer is the only thing that will heal you. Both are good. But healing takes ACTION. I have a dear friend struggling with depression and she is making sure she is not isolated. She is on meds that have had to be adjusted, thus taking more time. She has a counselor and people who pray with her and for her.
Depression can make us act crazy, cry a lot, give up hope. We don't understand it and we can't figure out why we can't get out of bed. I am so very glad that I didn't give in to the temptation to end it all. I am so glad I chose not to believe the words of an enemy that says "what good are you anyway?" "Everyone will be better off with out you" These are lies. Find someone to listen, believe you will come out stronger on the other side, ask what the depression can teach you.
(1-800-273-TALK (8255) Suicide Hot line
You will make it
You will come through
There is hope
Depression may not be "Just Temporary" but there is long term help for it.
Please don't give in, give up!!
The world needs you and is waiting for your brilliance to shine through.
It will shine through
Keep going
One baby step
one appointment
telling one friend who will believe you
Praying for you,
Coach Laurie
Did Not See That Coming